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Produkte und Fragen zum Begriff Equality:

  • Equality

    Equality , The essays in this volume on the subject of equality are the work of scholars at Bard College and West Point. Their research falls within the areas of history, religion, legal theory, social science, ethics and philosophy. The regions covered include the Middle and Far East, Europe, and America; the time periods studied are both contemporary and historical. Each essay is a well-detailed exploration which assumes the reader has no prior acquaintance with the topic. Together, the studies reveal both conflicting standards of equality as well as patterns of pernicious inequality. In an ideal world, equality and inequality among humans would vary in acceptable proportion, increase of the one ensuring decrease of the other. Unfortunately, as the studies illustrate, any such expectation of progress in the real world is almost routinely thwarted. Despite the wide variety of topics, a common thread binds these essays. Human nature seems to harbor a moral deficiency lying deeper than any written laws and those traditional customs which promote inequality and breed injustice. The fault is prominent in those who champion unjust laws or who willingly enforce discrimination but it is no less active in the silent many who condone the practice. The essays reveal the same persistent and unappealing trait which social groups from the remote past to the present manifest in various ways: blind determination to perpetuate whatever advantages one group believes it enjoys over another, convinced that its own members are more equal than theirs. Being made unequal, the others too easily become targets who are considered less worthy, sometimes even less human. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften

    Preis: 70.72 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Organizing Equality
    Organizing Equality

    Organizing Equality , Dispatches from a Global Struggle , >

    Preis: 107.88 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Gender Equality
    Gender Equality

    Gender Equality , Studium & Erwachsenenbildung > Fachbücher, Lernen & Nachschlagen , Fachkategorie: Verfassungsrecht, Text Sprache: eng, Verlag: Cambridge University Press, Herkunftsland: DEUTSCHLAND (DE), Katalog: Gesamtkatalog, Relevanz: 0000,

    Preis: 129.81 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Institutionalizing Gender Equality
    Institutionalizing Gender Equality

    Institutionalizing Gender Equality , Forty years have passed since the first UN-organized World Conference on Women in Mexico City in 1975. In that time, women's rights, and later gender equality, have become firmly established as an important area of global politics and human rights. What shape have these processes taken in different parts of the world? How do global and internationally designed institutions adapt to local cultural, religious, political, and economic contexts? What are the problems and contradictions embedded in this process when viewed from a global perspective? What effects do grassroots, local, and national actors have on transnational institutions? In answering the questions, the book draws on historical and global perspectives, beginning in the 1960s, an important moment for internationalization during the Cold War, and looking to a global selection of case studies. Providing a series of "snapshots" of historical and contemporary global gender equality politics, the chapters allow for an examination of how local, national, and transnational actors have interacted in ways that affect the dissemination of gender equality institutions, both formal and informal. The case studies demonstrate the relationship between the supranational, regional, national, and sub-national or "local." They explore the power dynamics, interactions, and mutually constituting nature of two analytic levels of organizations and actors involved in the institutionalization of gender equality-the transnational level as well as the level of activity within specific national political systems (as represented by states, grassroots organizations, and other sub-national actors). The findings reveal that the institutionalization of gender equality is dependent on national and local context, the potential for interactions between gender equality policies and other state agendas, the depth of informal institutions, and the degree to which a given state is integrated into the norms of the international system. , Studium & Erwachsenenbildung > Fachbücher, Lernen & Nachschlagen

    Preis: 147.01 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Institutionalizing Gender Equality
    Institutionalizing Gender Equality

    Institutionalizing Gender Equality , Forty years have passed since the first UN-organized World Conference on Women in Mexico City in 1975. In that time, women's rights, and later gender equality, have become firmly established as an important area of global politics and human rights. What shape have these processes taken in different parts of the world? How do global and internationally designed institutions adapt to local cultural, religious, political, and economic contexts? What are the problems and contradictions embedded in this process when viewed from a global perspective? What effects do grassroots, local, and national actors have on transnational institutions? In answering the questions, the book draws on historical and global perspectives, beginning in the 1960s, an important moment for internationalization during the Cold War, and looking to a global selection of case studies. Providing a series of "snapshots" of historical and contemporary global gender equality politics, the chapters allow for an examination of how local, national, and transnational actors have interacted in ways that affect the dissemination of gender equality institutions, both formal and informal. The case studies demonstrate the relationship between the supranational, regional, national, and sub-national or "local." They explore the power dynamics, interactions, and mutually constituting nature of two analytic levels of organizations and actors involved in the institutionalization of gender equality-the transnational level as well as the level of activity within specific national political systems (as represented by states, grassroots organizations, and other sub-national actors). The findings reveal that the institutionalization of gender equality is dependent on national and local context, the potential for interactions between gender equality policies and other state agendas, the depth of informal institutions, and the degree to which a given state is integrated into the norms of the international system. , Studium & Erwachsenenbildung > Fachbücher, Lernen & Nachschlagen

    Preis: 68.16 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Property and Equality
    Property and Equality

    Property and Equality , The ethnography of egalitarian social systems was first met with sheer disbelief. Today it is still hotly debated in a number of fields and has gained sophistication as well as momentum. This collection of essays on "property and equality" acknowledges this diversification by presenting research results in two complementary volumes. They bring together a wide range of authoritative researchers most of whom have worked with hunter-gatherer groups. These two volumes cover existing ethnographic and theoretical ground while maintaining a clear focus on the relation between property and equality. The book consists of the most recent work of prominent members of the original group of researchers in hunter-gatherer studies among them James Woodburn and Richard Lee, and very recent ethnography on hunter-gatherers and other egalitarian systems. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften

    Preis: 149.66 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Property and Equality
    Property and Equality

    Property and Equality , The ethnography of egalitarian social systems was first met with sheer disbelief. Today it is still hotly debated in a number of fields and has gained sophistication as well as momentum. This collection of essays on "property and equality" acknowledges this diversification by presenting research results in two complementary volumes. They bring together a wide range of authoritative researchers most of whom have worked with hunter-gatherer groups. These two volumes cover existing ethnographic and theoretical ground while maintaining a clear focus on the relation between property and equality. The book consists of the most recent work of prominent members of the original group of researchers in hunter-gatherer studies among them James Woodburn and Richard Lee, and very recent ethnography on hunter-gatherers and other egalitarian systems. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften

    Preis: 149.95 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Oja, Olivia: Equality
    Oja, Olivia: Equality

    Equality , Tranquil Poems invites you into a serene landscape crafted by the delicate hands of verse. In this collection, each poem serves as a quiet companion through moments of reflection and the subtle joys of everyday life. These verses weave a tapestry of peace, drawing on the natural world and the quiet corners of the mind to offer respite from the clamor of modern living. From the gentle ripple of a stream to the soft whisper of the autumn wind, the poet captures the profound beauty in stillness and simplicity. Perfect for early mornings or the hush of evening, Tranquil Poems is an ode to the quiet moments where we find ourselves truly at peace. Join us on this journey to tranquility, where every word resonates with a calming grace, and every line breathes a promise of rest for the soul. Copyright © 2024 Swan Charm Publishing , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften

    Preis: 39.94 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Oja, Olivia: Equality
    Oja, Olivia: Equality

    Equality , Tranquil Poems invites you into a serene landscape crafted by the delicate hands of verse. In this collection, each poem serves as a quiet companion through moments of reflection and the subtle joys of everyday life. These verses weave a tapestry of peace, drawing on the natural world and the quiet corners of the mind to offer respite from the clamor of modern living. From the gentle ripple of a stream to the soft whisper of the autumn wind, the poet captures the profound beauty in stillness and simplicity. Perfect for early mornings or the hush of evening, Tranquil Poems is an ode to the quiet moments where we find ourselves truly at peace. Join us on this journey to tranquility, where every word resonates with a calming grace, and every line breathes a promise of rest for the soul. Copyright © 2024 Swan Charm Publishing , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften

    Preis: 37.57 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Todd, Tracy: EQUALITY
    Todd, Tracy: EQUALITY

    EQUALITY , Studium & Erwachsenenbildung > Fachbücher, Lernen & Nachschlagen

    Preis: 34.24 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Measuring Gender Equality
    Measuring Gender Equality

    Measuring Gender Equality , A Multidisciplinary Analysis of Some EU Countries , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften

    Preis: 35.07 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Snow, Luca: Equality
    Snow, Luca: Equality

    Equality , Die Stadt der ewigen Gerechtigkeit , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften

    Preis: 15.00 € | Versand*: 0 €

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